Monday, June 27, 2016

A. H. Ford Reserve, Altona, Vic

I concede this might be borderline as an internal reserve (look at it on Google Map).

Blogger is playing up so I can't write all I would like to right now, I'll come back to it later. In the meantime please note the tiny gates, the little agriculture corner (see immediately above), the toilet block, the play equipment and the kindergarten. Thanks to Victoria for being a part of this foray. 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Abercrombie, Kelly and Kelly's Dublin of the Future

Dublin of the Future: The New Town Plan by Patrick Abercrombie, Sydney Kelly and Arthur Kelly, published by the University Press of Liverpool and Hodder and Staughton (not dated, though the competition was won by these three in 1914) features an extensive 'Park System and Public Buildings' map (map 5, at page 41). Frustratingly although the various new suburban areas that Abercrombie, Kelly and Kelly have included are clearly riddled with internal reserves, their otherwise very comprehensive discussion of the park system (pp. 41-48) does not seem to properly identify them or there intended purpose. I am not even sure if they are 'local parks', 'town gardens or city squares' or 'small playgrounds' (I suspect they are the latter). Here (p. 42) we are told 'The exact position of the small children's playgrounds is difficult to determine at this stage: generally speaking, they would be located intermediately with the neighbourhood parks, as it is agreed that a quarter of a mile is as far as small children should be expected to go... The great use made of such play spaces, as at the Brabazon Playground in Pimlico, proves how necessary it is systematically to add further examples.'

Additionally: 'it may be mentioned that it is necessary for there to be an official, who would be known as the Director of Recreation. He would be responsible for the personnel of the playground instructors throughout the city. Many of the small playgrounds would probably be in charge of a woman.' 

Kabbera Central, Kelso, NSW

Look at it here.  Kelso is essentially a suburb adjoining the regional city of Bathurst but it has an identity greater than mere adjacent su...